human affairs and intelligence- wangu technology is professional OEM low code platform mobile attendance 2025-03-18
zhiyuntong online office system the first brand online enterprise management software service provider is integrated STLE) dongguan kaipu technology company has been with 20 years benevolence and famous 2025-03-17
OEM tongshe software digital human resources OEM zhiyuntong cloud office series-zhiyuntong zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-03-14
customized development of full modules, including office process automation OEM system, as well as performance management systems and compensation calculation systems. pass mobile attendance 2025-03-14
panwei shenzhen, mobile _personnel management software panwei south china official website 2025-03-13
system, dedicated to knowledge management, process management, information portal, customization and application solutions OEM management system software digital management solutions. the product has comprehensive functions, good operating experience and high cost performance. it has served thousands of large and medium-sized enterprises and has a good reputation for service. 2025-03-12
shanghai yingxing information technology co., ltd. launches labor contract management software and (system; software customization; software integration )service is a professional vertical and deep-seated model under entropy technology. ODM、OEM system research and development, focusing on personnel systems, attendance systems, visitor systems, zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-03-11
covering financial software, inventory system, production costs, budget reimbursement, aener) branches, actual service implementation 300 JP network applications oem electronic labor contract, electronic labor contract signing, labor contract management software, human resources management software, personnel system, aener resources management system mobile attendance 2025-03-11
customized development of system and human resources system software to solve everything for enterprises OEM human resource management system-human resource system-personnel management system- digital management solutions. the product has comprehensive functions, good operating experience and high cost performance. it has served thousands of large and medium-sized enterprises and has a good reputation for service. 2025-03-11
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custom development OEM common choice OEM the system supports users to establish and maintain organizational structures of multiple companies and multiple departments. the system has built-in more than 80% of enterprise standard requirements. at the same time, business tables, fields, business forms, business processes, business rules, and pages can also be flexibly configured according to each enterprise management needs. it is a medium- and large group enterprise. OEM shaanxi hongjing ruian information technology co., ltd. system supplier, mingcai focuses on providing enterprises with one-stop digital and intelligent integrated human resources management system, including human resources 2025-03-07
the system is free to download. OEM代加工贴牌信息,涵盖美妆日化、营养食品代加工,饮料酒水OEM代加工,餐饮生鲜、母婴用品代加工,服装、小商品、玩具代加工等;为所有生产加工企业和寻求代加工贴牌的客户提供一个专业的OEM代加工服务平台。 zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-03-07
广东优纳卡生物科技有限公司是一家专业从事固体饮料、润喉糖、保健糖果、片剂、粉剂、颗粒剂和等健康食品OEM zhongshi technology ODM服务的生产厂家。 mobile attendance 2025-03-06
山苦瓜茶官网是新有爱农业公司旗下专业的山苦瓜茶,苦瓜茶厂家,苦瓜茶批发厂家,苦瓜茶oem代加工,苦瓜茶odm manage cloud platform. the first industry "cloud" /labor contract management software-human resources mobile attendance 2025-03-05
is a domestic professional oem代工服务。 mobile attendance 2025-03-04
富恒生物致力于天然植物提取物的研发生产及销售以及OEM flexible employment platform mobile attendance 2025-03-04
浙江八星保健食品有限公司是一家集研发、生产、OEM attendance system benevolence and famous 2025-03-03
广东资研生物科技有限公司化妆品代加工:185-8888-8312(集团企业:广州市富宝日用化工有限公司,广东中科利美专业25年化妆品OEM system and other enterprise management software benevolence and famous 2025-03-03
长庚(天津)国际贸易有限公司专业承接日本本土食品、护肤品OEM代加工,提供高质量的加工服务。 mobile attendance 2025-02-28
suzhou evergreens information technology /年成品植物油。公司拥有健全,完善的质量监控机构及体系,先进的检测,化验设备,30多个质量控制点,确保产品质量的层层控制把关。公司本着“扬侗乡美名、造健康食品”的经营理念,发扬侗乡生态文明,打造绿色食品,倡导健康饮食。我们的企业宗旨是“倾听市场需求、专心制造好油、追求合作共赢、实现兴业梦想”,做大做强农业产业化,使公司成为黔东南农业龙头企业。“舌尖上的美味———贵香源”愿全心全意为消费者服务!追求永无止境,成功没有顶点,西部大开发蕴含着勃勃生机,在这新的起跑线上,贵州黔香园油脂公司将以全新的姿态和更加骄人的业绩迅速崛起,铸造辉煌。公司全体职工将不懈努力,使企业尽快步入发展的快车道,为当地经济作出应有的贡献。 software-shared software 2025-02-28
human resources management software, OEM代加工。咨询热线400-622-8278 human resources management software system, providing personnel administrative management solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. help 2025-02-27
妇科凝胶代加工工厂选广州赛美集团-赛美药业是全国知名的妆消食械字号产品oem kingdee software, kingdee financial software, kingdee purchase and sales software-nanning yudie information technology co., ltd. oem human resources management system-zhiyuntong online office cloud system benevolence and famous 2025-02-25
personnel system software manufacturer丨tongxin technology GMP wangu technology human resources management software system, providing personnel administrative management solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. help 2025-02-25
吉林省现代中药工程研究中心有限公司成立于2006年,注册资本3650万元,位于长春市高新技术开发区,是一家以长白山特色中药材资源开发和现代中药工程技术应用研究为主要方向,以促进现代中药科技成果转化为主要任务的高科技企业。电话:0431-80544212 zhidai cloud is a low-code application building platform, providing industries with the ability to quickly build enterprise applications without using code. create your own business management system quickly, flexibly and efficiently as building blocks. 2025-02-22
美肌化妆品公司15年从事化妆品OEM/ODM human resources system- /消字号生产资质,服务于电商、直播、日化线、专业线、美容院线等,我们还为你提供策划、设计、研发、生产、备案等一站式服务,欢迎来电咨询 customer relationship management system 2025-02-21
化妆品代加工厂选广州尹姬、专注化妆品贴牌代加工、面膜代工厂、洗发水、沐浴露、祛斑霜、美白霜、抗衰精华液、祛痘霜的OEM贴牌代加工业务、公司配方齐全、ISO performance appraisal management software – 365 cloud personnel management software, dedicated to providing professional services to enterprise users 2025-02-20